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According to the regulations, a person may obtain a license, after two years of the crime or the probation is completed I believe..its either or..might want to call state board in macon to find out the exact conditions. They (state board), make a decision based on each individual case.

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i would like to know if i'm able to obtain a georgia Cosmetology license by me being a convicted felon and can i get it esponded to get my license

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Q: Can convicted felon obtain Georgia cosmetology license?
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i doubt it

How do you change from California state cosmetology license to Ohio cosmetology license?

Typically you need to show proof of your cosmetology school hours which you can obtain from your state board of cosmetology or the cosmetology school from which you graduated. You will also need a copy of your Ohio state cosmetology license. You will need to bring this documentation along with the reciprocity application and appropriate fees to the North Carolina state board of cosmetology to have them transfer your license. North Carolina recognizes cosmetology licenses from other states so as long as you have a current license from Ohio, have passed a state board approved or national cosmetology exam, and have no disciplinary actions taken against your Ohio cosmetology license.

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sorry but i doubt it

Can a convicted felon obtain a degree in cosmetology and work in the US?

Yes, as long as you get the degree you should be able to find a job easy.

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no you can't obtain one in va

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How do you transfer your cosmetology license from Colorado to Oklahoma?

call or e-mail the oklakoma state board and they will send you a form fill it out and send it with a certified copy of you license from Colorado and a check for whatever Oklahoma charges and you are set

Can a convicted felon obtain a professional HVAC license in the state of TX?

Yes, and many do.

Makeover Your Life?

Getting a cosmetology license opens up a world of opportunity to individuals who strive to work in the beauty industry. Many places require you to have a license in cosmetology before you can be considered for employment.How to Obtain Your Cosmetology LicenseIn order to obtain your license in cosmetology, you must complete a state mandated cosmetology course at an accredited cosmetology school. Each state has different requirements for obtaining your cosmetology license. For example, while one state may only require you to have 1000 training hours in hair styling and cutting, another state may require you to have almost 1600 training hours.Obtaining your cosmetology license also requires that you take and successfully pass a cosmetology exam. Most states require that you pass the cosmetology exam in order to receive your cosmetology license.If you are interested in obtaining a license in cosmetology, you can sign up for courses through accredited community colleges, and cosmetology schools. Certain high schools also offer the courses needed to pass the exam. Many cosmetology schools offer more than simply hair styling and cutting classes. You can also choose to obtain a cosmetology license to become a nail technician, esthetician, and electrologist, as well. You can also opt to enroll in courses that cover all of the cosmetology courses. However, certain courses may cost more than others.You have to pay in order to take the cosmetology exam. The fee to take the exam may vary. Many places also require that you pay a fee for your license. This fee can vary from state to state. The price of a cosmetology exam will also vary depending on the courses you took during cosmetology school. For example, to take the hairstylist exam, you would typically pay more than if you were only taking the exam for waxing.Further Information on Cosmetology LicensesIf you move to another state after obtaining your cosmetology license, you may be required to retake the exam. Certain states may also require that you have proof of previous work, transcripts from your cosmetology school, as well as your previous scores on your exam before you are given your new license.

Can i keep my New Jersey cosmetology license and obtain a new york cosmetology license?

Yes absolutely! You just need to continue to renew it

What part of Georgia can a illegal immigrant get a drivers license?

In Georgia, illegal immigrants are not permitted to obtain drivers' licenses.