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No it should be refrigerated to keep bacteria away.

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Q: Can cooked corn beef be left out all night?
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Is it safe to leave cornbread out overnight?

If you are talking about uncooked ears of corn that were left out of the refrigerator overnight, some of the sugars have probably changed to starches so it won't be so sweet. But it should be OK to cook up and eat. If you are talking about cooked corn that someone forgot to put away, the answer is "No. You should not eat cooked corn left out overnight."

Is it safe to eat beef stir left over night on work top?

No, its not.

Is it safe to eat cooked cabbage that's been left in the water it was cooked in for several hours?

Yes, That cabbage is very good if you have corned beef and potatoes w/ it!

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Slaves normally get left overs of the owner's food.

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It isn't safe to eat any food that has been left out overnight.

Does cooked rice go bad over night if not refrigerated?

The cooked rice should not be eaten if left out overnight. Due to certain bacteria that might have grown in it, it might not be able to be cooked safe.

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Is it safe to eat cooked chicken left i n oven over night

What happens if fresh corn was cooked ie put in boiling water and left in water for long time couple of days and not in the fridge?

Corn in warm water provides an ideal environment for growing bacteria, so the corn is spoiled and should be thrown out.

Can you get sick by eating raw hurger you left out all night if you cooked it that next day?

Yes, you could get sick.

Can you eat cooked ground beef that has been left out overnight?

Not if it should have been kept refrigerated.

Is is safe to eat cooked squash and potatoes that were left out all night?

No. Cooked vegetables should be treated as any other potentially hazardous food and should be stored refrigerated.

If I left out a beef roast all night is it still safe?

Probably not. Warm temperatures increase spoilage speed of foods.