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Q: Can cooked turnip greens be left over night are they safe to eat?
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It isn't safe to eat any food that has been left out overnight.

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No it should be refrigerated to keep bacteria away.

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The cooked rice should not be eaten if left out overnight. Due to certain bacteria that might have grown in it, it might not be able to be cooked safe.

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Is it safe to eat cooked chicken left i n oven over night

Can you get sick by eating raw hurger you left out all night if you cooked it that next day?

Yes, you could get sick.

Is is safe to eat cooked squash and potatoes that were left out all night?

No. Cooked vegetables should be treated as any other potentially hazardous food and should be stored refrigerated.

Can a dog become sick from eating cooked salmon that was left out over night?

yes because the salmon will get rotten over night don't FEED the dog salmon.

Can you eat cooked ham left in oven after cookingit?

Was the ham cooked over night or left in the oven. If the ham was left in the oven with out any way of keeping it out of the temperature danger zone then it needs to be thrown away. It most likely has serious bacteria growth which can make you very ill.

Cooked chicken enchiladas be left out all night?

Enchiladas should not be left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Using 1 hour as a limit is even better.

Is it onion or turnip that turns soup?

If it is left out for too long, it is the onion that turns soups.

Is it safe to eat cooked meatloaf that has been left out over night covered?

It is not safe for a person to eat meatloaf that has been left out on the counter for 2 hours. The meatloaf should be refrigerated and consumed or frozen after it has been cooked.