

Can cooking oil treat mange

Updated: 12/14/2022
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14y ago

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no, absolutely not. the only proper treatment for mange that wont make matters worse is a proper parasite treatment. Usually as long as there are no secondary infections caused by scratching and chewing treatment is actually pretty cheap. Treatment depends on the type of mange, eg. sarcoptic or demodex.. either way treatment is usually a reasonable price and it is best to take your dog to the vet.

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Q: Can cooking oil treat mange
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Is burned car oil good for mange?

no absolutely not. All it will do it rot the dogs skin off. All you need treat it is an antiparasitic medication which is relatively cheap.

Recepies for mange for hamsters?

No home remedies can treat mange without seriously injuring the hamsters skin. Take your hamster to a vet.

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NO this is a myth. there are medicines that you can get from your veterinarian.

Can you treat mange with betagen or gentocin?

Yes, it can be used to treat the symptoms of mange. It is prescribed for use in dogs for the treatment of infected superficial lesions accompanied by inflammation and itching. Gentamicin treats the bacterial infection and betamethasone helps with the swelling and itching.

Is cooking oil made out of oil?

Yes, cooking oil is made out of oil.

Can you cure mange with used motor oil?

No, used motor oil is not a cure for mange. At the very best, you would simply manage to severely poison your dog through dermal absorption of the various chemicals in the used motor oil; at worst, you would lethally poison your dog. Mange is a dermal infestation of exctoparasites called mites. There are several different types of mange, and each one is fairly species specific. Treatment for mange relies on killing these mites - used motor oil will not - and on controlling the underlying issues that allowed a severe mite infestation.

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blanc mange for handmade garnishes handwork processes in cooking: chopping, grinding, blending, beating, grating, mixing, paring, peeling MARINATING

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Can amoxicillin treat mange in dogs?

AntiBiotics such as amoxicillin will help with the infection only and it will not get rid of the mange mites. There are different kinds of mange; however Demo mange is most commonly associated with infection because the mange mite burrows very far & deep down into the hair follicle. When treating my pets for mange, I usually get my products from a company called PetsBestRx. Here is a link to their website You can learn a lot from that site and also by calling them. My ziggy has had mange since he was a pup and I keep some products on hand to treat ziggy as soon as he has a flareup. They are not near as bad when I catch it early. The PetsBestRx Mitactin works great when killing the mange mites fast and the products are non toxic and will not hurt Ziggy. If you want to email me direct, i don't mind answering any questions you have. Trevlyn

What language is mange tout?

"Mange tout" is a French term that translates to "eat all" in English. It is used to refer to a specific type of pea, known as snow peas or sugar snap peas, which are commonly used in cooking.

How can you get rid of mange in your cat?

Mange is caused by an external parasite and can be treated by a veterinarian with several readily available dewormers. However, your vet should be the one to determine the medication based upon your cat's individual medical history and current condition.