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Q: Can cord blood specimens be used with the i-STAT?
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What is a blood cord used for?

A blood cord is a reference to the umbilical cord. It is called this because blood builds up in the cord and the term is generally used by medical professionals.

Is blood cord a Hereditary disease?

No it is not. cord blood is blood that remains in the placenta and in the attached umbilical cord after childbirth. Cord blood is collected because it contains stem cells which can be used to treat hematopoietic and genetic disorders.

What are umbilical cord blood stem cells used for?

The benefit of having a umbilical cord in a cord blood bank is that they can be used for future use. The cord can be used for transplants which helps to treat diseases of the blood and immune systems.

How do they store umbilical cord blood and how long is it good for?

Storing umbilical cord blood is called cord blood banking. This process includes collection of the blood, processing, and storing the blood frozen to be used in the future. By using this method, umbilical cord blood is supposed to remain good indefinitely.

Should you keep your baby's cord blood?

Yes. Consider it as a health investment if you store your baby's cord blood in a family bank. If a family member is sick, the cord blood can be used to cure him or her. Successful stories about cord blood banking in the blog provided.

Where can I find more information on cord blood banking?

The Cord Blood Registry is a premiere Cord Blood bank used by parents to protect their children later in life. You can find out how it works at

What is the use of a cord blood bank?

Cord blood stem cells are stored inside a nitrogen-filled freezer. These stem cells are used to cure fatal diseases like cancers, brain tumors, cerebral palsy, diabetes, Parkinsons, etc.

Who would save cord blood and for what purposes?

A mother would save cord blood for their children. Cord blood can be used to extract stem cells so if anything happens to the baby, doctors can use the blood to repair the cells.

What two types of blood specimens are used for most hematological tests?

Capillary blood samples and venous blood samples are both used for hematological tests.

What are private blood cord banks?

They sell kits that can be used at any delivery to collect cord blood. They also charge a yearly fee to store the blood. The cord blood is available only to the child or members of the child's family from which it came.

What are some of the benefits of banking cord blood cells?

Cord blood is the richest blood a person will ever have. It is full of stem cells, which created organs in the first place. This blood can be used to treat numerous ailments.

Describe the corrosion casting process used to prepare these specific specimens?

The corrosion casting process used to prepare specific specimens is a tissue preparation technique that involves the injection of plastic into blood vessels.