

Can cows eat moldy bread

Updated: 11/13/2022
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11y ago

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Yes, but it's not recommended since it can cause health problems in them, just like with moldy hay.

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Q: Can cows eat moldy bread
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if you eat to many of it you will be sick

Why should you eat not moldy bread?

Unless they go to the doctor

Is it healthy to eat moldy bread?

No, its not healthy . Most fungi are dangerous for health .

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For a peasant: Wake up, eat some moldy bread, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, eat some moldy bread, sleep, repeat.

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== == * I've eaten it and I'm still alive. Just make sure that you take the mold off. Also, don't use extremely moldy bread: If your bread has more than three small colonies or a large one, then throw it out... One way of checking if the bread is safe to eat is that if the bread has a peachy smell or a grass smell, it's bad. == == * No, eating moldy bread is never a good idea!!

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No because if some of it is mouldly then in a while all of it will be..................

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If it's not moldy then go for it. There isn't really anything in bread that will kill you.

If one piece of bread is moldy are the rest bad?

no... it just matters where the bread is and what happened to the bread to make it moldy

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* Moldy Bread -- Not Just the old Moldy Bread You Know * Trust the Crust?

Why do moldy bread smell?

because it's moldy

Can chickens eat bread?

Chickens LOVE bread as a treat, but it shouldn't be all that they eat of course. They are even fine with eating moldy bread - it won't hurt them, and is better than throwing it away.

If you touch molded bread and you wash your hands will you still get sick?

Moldy bread doesn't make you sick - even if you accidently eat some of it.