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Q: Can cramps and slight brown discharge 1 week before af a sign im pregnant?
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What could the reason be for period like cramps with a slight yellowish discharge?

I had yellowish discharg and pelvic cramps i went to the doctors they did a STD check it came back with positive for clamidia

If I have been constipated fatigued lightly cramping and having brown discharge Are these early signs of pregnancy even if I am on the pill?

I have been to the docotor recently to find out if I was pregnant. He told me that I was. What made me go to the doctor was that I was having cramps, being constipated, brown discharge and slight fatigue. Best thing to do is get checked pronto ! I hope this helped.

Is slight cramping normal in the first trimester?

Yes cramping is normal during the first trimester. Its due to the baby growing and stretching you internally which is why you have cramps. Any bloody discharge, or spotting or sharp cramps should be reported to your doctor.

You have cramps and feel like im on your period but you have no bleeding?

wait a couple days and if you still have no bleeding take a pregnancy test. when i was pregnant i could feel slight cramps every month when i normally would have had my period

Does having a sudden leak of discharge that has a slight foul smell mean you should go to the hospital If you are 35 week pregnant?

If you're pregnant with a sudden leak of discharge, call your OBGYN's after hours service. If you don't get a response, go to the hospital.

If you suspect you're pregnant but get your period 2 days early with slight cramps and tiny egg like blood clots and have other symptoms is it possible you could still be pregnant?

It's possible to have a period and still be pregnant

If you have irregular periods and for like the past week and a half you have had really sensitive nipples and slight cramps and gassy could you be pregnant?

No. If you have your period, then you aren't pregnant. All of those are symptoms of a woman's period.

If i have Positive pregnancy test but have cramps and when i wipe slight pinkish discharge?

Some light cramping can be normal along with some light pink or brown discharge with a pregnancy. But it's best to check with your OB/GYN for a more accurate answer for your exact situation.

What are the signs of pregnancy during ovulation?

Some women have a slight amount of discharge when they are ovulating.

If you get pregnant 4 days before your period do you still get your period?

theoretically no, but there CAN be a slight bleeding.

Is slight cramps normal in early pregnancy?

Yes it is very normal 4 out of 5 people get cramps in early pregnancy and may have extreme cramps.

I had one light pink spot on Saturday with slight cramps which was one week after sex and the next two days have felt light nausea and headache. Can I be pregnant?

after you have sex there is always a chance you can be pregnant take a pregnancy test or visit your doctor