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Q: Can crocodiles turn over when on their back?
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Why does a crocodiles poop turn white?

Because the crocodiles contain a substance in their body.

How hevy are crocodiles?

some crocodiles weigh over or on 1000kg

Can crocodiles legs grow back?


What are the ridges on a crocodiles back called?


How Inverted flight of helicopter is achieved?

Upside-down helicopters fall until they turn back over. Sometimes they don't turn back over, and they crash.

How do you tell if someone wants you to leave them alone?

They turn into Optimus Prime, look at you, turn into a corvette, run you over, back up, run you over again,back up again, turn BACK into Optimus Prime point at you and say "you have been warned"

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If crocodiles and other reptiles lived in dinosaur time how are they alive now?

they have evolved from time to time like crocodiles were orange and purple back than but crocodiles now are mostly green

Are crocodiles vertabrets?

Yes, because they have a spine (back bone).

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What other reptiles are related to crocodiles?

Crocodilians are most closely related to birds, sharing a common ancestor with them in the archosaur group. Other reptiles that are distantly related to crocodiles include turtles, snakes, lizards, and tuataras.

What is the enemies of a Nile Crocodile?

Rock pythons eat young crocodiles, but never adults. Hippos dominate over crocodiles in fights.