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Q: Can crystals ever be made out of covalent bonds or is it strictlly only ionic?
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What kind of chemical bond do crystals have?

Ionic compunds which are crystalline- have ionic bonds. Giant covalent can also be crystalline e.g. diamond and silica- these have covalent bonds. Molecular compounds crystallise - these have covalent bonds and the crystals are held together by van der waals forces. and sometimes by hydrogen bonds.

Is a diatomic molecle more likely to be held together by a covalent bond or by an ionic bond And why?

A covalent bond. Ionic bonds form crystals, not molecules.

Can crystals have what bonds between their atoms?

Ionic bonds in compounds such as NaCl and covalent bonds in say diamond (C) and quartz (SiO2)

Do ionic bonds form molecules?

No. Ionic bonds form crystals, and metallic bonds form metals or metal alloys. Only covalent bonding creates what we call a molecule.

What is the two main type of bonds?

The two main types of chemical bonds are ionic and covalent.

What are the main types of chemical bonds?

There are three main types of chemical bonds. The main types are; ionic bonding, covalent bonding and polar covalent bonding.

Which type of bond forms compounds with distinctive shapes rather than forming massive crystals?

Covalent bond. Molecular compounds are formed by covalent bonds. Ionic bonds and metallic bonds form large crystal lattices (Some large crystals are covalent- like diamond)

Are ionic or covalent bonds stronger?

Covalent bonds.

What are three types of chemical bonds found in living things?

Ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and probably hydrogen bonds

What kind of bonds hold together atoms in a molecule?

The bonds are ionic or covalent.

Do ionic or covalent have hydrogen?

Hydrogen is involved in covalent bonds but sometimes also in ionic bonds.

Is Al2 SO4 3 ionic or covalent?

A nonbinary ionic compound. Covalent bonds are molecular - nonmetal.