

Can current conduct through the air?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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13y ago

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yes of course because the atmosphere full of gaseous and gaseous consist of particles.therefore whenever there is current means there is a movement of is electrones which are particle in nature forexample occurence of lighting we see there is a zigzag path because the path of eletrones meaning current always choose the low resistance path.

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Q: Can current conduct through the air?
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Objects that conduct electricity poorly are?

Objects that conduct electricity poorly are called poor conductors of electricity or insulators . There is a difference though. Poor conductors of electricity are capable of conduction under certain circumstances while insulators cannot conduct electricity under any condition, example ; air is a poor conductor of electricity as it cannot conduct under normal conditions but lightning is able to pass through it during a storm.

Which metals do not conduct electricity?

all metals conduct electricity but alumiun doesn't conduct it as well as others all metals conduct electricity but alumiun doesn't conduct it as well as others

Why the diode called polarity switch explain?

A diode will only conduct electricity if the polarity of the current is in the correct direction, because diodes can only conduct in one direction.

How does a bridge rectifier operates?

A: must assume an AC source of greater amplitude of .7volts then when the source reaches .7 volts a diode will conduct if the positive voltage is at the anode then it will proceed to go trough the load and return the current to the diode connected to the negative of the source. That basically finishes one half of the cycle when the AC reverses polarity then the same process of current flow will finish the complete cycle. while different series diode conduct one way the other will not conduct because of reverse biasing. but the load will conduct current one way for both cycles

Is it true the alternating current can pass through a capacitor while the direct current cannot pass through?


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A transformer doesn't 'conduct current through the ground'. However, in the event of a ground fault in the circuit supplied by a grounded transformer, the resulting fault current will flow through the earth back to the grounded terminal of that transformer's secondary winding.

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Yes, alcohol is a liquid and has delocalised electrons which can carry the electrical current. Edited: Seriously? Unless there are impurities in the alcohol that are electrolytes, alcohol will NOT conduct an electric current. Alcohols are considered as NON ELECTROLYTES, as they do not ionize and thus will not conduct a current. (Dr.J.)

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Metal conduct electricity and flow of electricity is the current.

Can electricity can be pass through milk?

yes, there are enough dissolved salts in milk to conduct some current.

How the current through a gas can pass?

sometimes gases or combination of some gases like air get ionised due to corrona discharge in some metals .due to presence of ions in gases it may conduct elecricity.

In order to conduct an electric current a substance must contain a what?

It should contain some IONS, or charged particles.

Where do the sound wave pass through?

It paseses through this thing called air. Sound wave can only travel in air and in current wires

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Water is actually an insulator and does not pass electricity well, the minerals within the water are what actually conduct the current and thus in distilled water there is no conduction

Why can a silver coin conduct electricity?

It is a metallic element with a very low resistivity, so current is able to flow through silver relatively easily. Current actually flows through silver easier than gold.

What is the meaning of a convection current?

An electrical current produced by the movement of charged particles or bodys through space ie. not electrons flowing through a wire - it has no voltage and does not satisfy ohms law.

How does electricity move through air?

Electricity only moves through the air if there are electrically charged particles in the air and a live current passed through it. It also travels in the form of static electricity (lightning).