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It would take a lot of force to do so, and deer both don't have enough strength to do so nor are their antlers that brittle or fragile to be able to be broken that easily.

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Q: Can deer brake their antlers by rubing them agents the trees?
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Why do deer rub antlers up and down trees?

Bucks rub their antlers on small, flexible trees in order to rub off the velvet that initially covers them. During rut, bucks rub their antlers on trees to attract receptive doe's and to demarcate territory and warn other bucks to stay away.

Why do deer rub their antlers up and down trees?

Bucks rub their antlers on small, flexible trees in order to rub off the velvet that initially covers them. During rut, bucks rub their antlers on trees to attract receptive doe's and to demarcate territory and warn other bucks to stay away.

Do female caribou have horns?

Yes. They are smaller than the bull caribou's antlers.

What animal hits the trees?

Woodpeckers hit their beaks against the trunks of trees to get to the grubs underneath the surface of the bark. Other animals like deer often scrape their antlers against tree trunks to wear down the velvet that covers their antlers.

Why do mooses scratch in trees?

Moose scratch trees for two reasons, one to mark their territory and two to remove the skin from the antlers as the skin dies.

Why do deer rub there atlers on trees?

Deer grow a new set of antlers each year. The new antlers are covered in a kind of velvet. Because of fighting and searching for food the velvet becomes rather tatty, often hanging down in strips. This can reduce the animals vision, which is highly important to such an animal. So it rids itself of the offending velvet by rubbing its antlers against trees. The bare antlers are used especially in the "rutting" season (the mating season) when the strongest deer, usually with the largest and perfectly shaped antlers, will be able to assemble his own herd of females. Later in the year the antlers are "cast" off, but the material of which they are made is not wasted because the deer will gnaw away at the antlers to take in the stuff needed for antlers to grow once more.

How does the deer lose the velvet off his antlers?

By rubbing them off trees bark or in the duel with another deer

My sims agents - how do you analyze the trees?

analyzing.... you read the (?) mark

How do you analyze the trees in mysims agents at the industrial district?

Go up to the trees and click analyze. If this does not work, you are checking the wrong trees. Check the ones by Brandi and Esma.

What are antlers for?

Showing supremacy among the ranks and to fight other males for dominance. And when they grow their antlers long enough, they sometimes rub them against trees to rub the "leather" off their antlers.

Why do moose have horns?

Moose don't have horns. They are antlered mammals, much like elk or deer. The difference between horns and antlers is that antlers will typically be grown and fall off annually, whereas horns will grow only once. There are several reasons that moose have antlers. First, when the antlers grow and develop in the warmer months of the year, the antlers are covered in a fine velvet that is soft to the touch. Underneath the velvet flows a system of arteries and veins that circulate blood throughout the antlers. this acts as a cooling mechanism for the moose, keeping it cool in the hot months of summer. When the weather begins to cool down in fall, the moose will shed their velvet, with much bleeding, in order to turn their antlers into weapons. using trees and other objects as sharpening devices, moose peel the velvet from their antlers and sharpen their antlers in order to use them as a defense against predators and as a tool for finding a mate.

What is extinct in Ireland?

im not sure how many animals are extinct but the IRISH ELK is extinct....because its massive antlers got caught in trees and bushes and they were then stuck