

Can dental decay cause other medical problems?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Definitely. Periodontal disease can affect blood, muscle tissue and body chemistry. It can even be a major factor in cause of death.

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Q: Can dental decay cause other medical problems?
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Does ice cream cause tooth decay?

It can. Any foods, especially those containing sugars can cause tooth decay. This is one major reason to practice good dental hygiene.

Can medications cause tooth decay?

Medications do not typically 'cause' dental decay, however, some medications can cause a decrease in salivary production. Saliva is important in neutralizing acids that cause decay. Therefore, some medications can contribute to the incidence of tooth decay.

What is dental carries?

cavaties or decay

What are dental caires?

tooth decay or cavities

Dental caries can be defined as?

Dental caries can be defined as bacterial infection which damages the tooth enamel and makes holes in the teeth. It is normally called as tooth decay. Cavities are the main cause that results in tooth decay if not taken care on time. Proper attention, cleaning and good eating habits should be considered by people.

Can a poor diet cause tooth decay?

Yes because teeth need vitamins and calcium to grow and properly maintain dental health.

What is considered a caries in the dental field?

caries in the dental field is part of tooth decay that consists of the decalcification of the enamel of the tooth. In other words this is considered tooth decay.

What are 3 terms that mean radioactive decay?

Dental Caries is the scientific name for 'tooth decay.'

Why do foods that are high in sugar cause so much tooth decay?

It is said that all types of sugar can cause How_does_sugar_cause_tooth_decay. The most expected sugars to give tooth decay are sucrose, glucose, fructose, and maltose. Bacteria use the energy in the sugar and then make acids which attack teeth and tooth enamel. This then causes tooth decay, which is also known as dental caries. Bacteria in also found in dental plaque and that stick to our teeth, also causing tooth decay.

Does sour candy cause tooth decay?

Sour candy, in and of itself, does not cause tooth decay just like cold temperatures do not cause the common cold. Eating sour candy, which is loaded with sugar, and not following good dental hygiene practices, will promote the growth of bacteria/plaque that WILL cause tooth decay. So, eat sour candy, rinse, brush your teeth, see a dentist, and you should be fine.