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Q: Can different color light attract zooplankton?
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Related questions

What attracts zooplankton?

Zooplankton need light to grow and thrive. A way to attract them is with sunlight or even the green magnet light.

How do you catch zooplankton?

You catch zooplankton by algae.

How does the colour black atracted the sun?

The question is quite meaningless. The sun doesn't attract color, color doesn't attract the sun, and black is not a color ... it's the absence of light of any color.

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light blue pink and yellow attract ladybugs

Will the color of a slushie effect how fast-slow it will melt?

The color may effect how fast-slow it will melt because the may have different ingredients then the others. Also, darker colors attract more light and light = heat. So if the slushies are not in the dark, the color will affect their rate of melting.

What different things attract moths?

Light and bright things

What happens to light as it strikes different materials?

the light will have a different color

How do light waves act when it hits different materials?

It depends if it is a transparent object it may split the light and make colors, like what a crystal does. You can see colors because of whatever the light shines on, it does NOT attract the color you see. (don't know how to say that...)

Methods of attracting zooplankton?

Green light at night.

What colors do not attract insects?

There is no such thing as a color that does not attract insects. One color may appear to repel one insect and yet attract another, as in the case of yellow not appealing to houseflies but attracting wasps. Light colors will not attract bees or mosquitoes even though they do not repel moths.

Why dark color attract more the sun?

the darker the color, the more heat it takes in. That's why most summer clothes are light colors.

How can a photon have color?

Different frequincies of light cause color, but a photon can not have color because it is only a single particle of light