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yes i did a big science project and the hypothesis was correct

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Q: Can different types of salts grow different types of crystals?
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How big and fast can salt crystals grow using two different salts?

Well all u need to do is mix the two salts together in hot water. cool them in a fride and presto u have crystals within 3 hours

Why does a sugar crystal grow faster in distilled?

There are not salts in the water to interfere with the growth of the crystals. Also, salts in the water will slow its evaporation.

What will happen if you use salt instead of sugar to make crystals?

You will be aggravated by the difficulty in getting good crystals to grow if you use table salt. If you can get hold of some alum or copper (II) sulfate, both of those salts grow crystals well.

What are the procedures to grow crystals?

to make crystals grow

How long does it take for borax crystals to grow?

they grow faster because it is mixed with water

Do crystals grow underground?

Yes crystals do grow under the ground.

How do you grow fast crystals?

Well growing a cys can grow at different rates I grew a whole bunch of crystals using just a container vinegar and something organic and solid for them to latch to.

Various types of crystal growth techniques?

If you talk about single crystal high purity growth methods, then following are the methods:Bridgeman MethodCzochralski MethodFloating zone Method

What conditions are needed to grow crystals?

Crystals that form from supersaturated solutions need a nucleus to grow onto, either the existing crystals or a different structure.ExperimentTo grow a sugar crystal, tie a string to a pencil. Balance the pencil horizontally on top of the jar full of sugar water, with the string hanging in it. After some time (hours), crystals of sugar will precipitate onto the string.

What tempraturedo crystals best grow in?

crystals best grow in warm temperatures.

Which two crystals grow fastest?

Alum crystals and sugar crystals grow at the same rate at an increasing time rate making them grow the fastest

Do plants grow the same in different types of soil?

Different types of soil have different nutrients so no.