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No, the alum grows faster.

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Q: Do salt crystals grow faster than alum crystals?
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Does crystals grow faster in salt water or fresh water?

In presence of salt the crystals grow faster because the solubility of salt decreases the solubility of any other compound in water.

Do salt or sugar crystals grow faster and why?

Salt crystals form faster because they clump together, and they are more cubic so they are easier to grow. Sugar crystals, on the other hand, have more density than salt crystals so they take longer to grow.

Why sugar crystals grow faster than salt crystals?

Salt is a more cubic element than sugar

What will happen if you use salt instead of sugar to make crystals?

You will be aggravated by the difficulty in getting good crystals to grow if you use table salt. If you can get hold of some alum or copper (II) sulfate, both of those salts grow crystals well.

Which will grow faster sugar or salt crystals?

sugar grew faster that all i know

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Which crisyels grow faster salt crystals or suger crystals?

salt suger = sugar salt suger = sugar salt suger = sugar salt suger = sugar

Why do salt crystals grow faster on pipe cleaners than on yarn?

Pipe cleaners have more surface area per unit length than yarn, allowing more salt crystals to begin to form, which then grow together giving the appearance that the salt crystals are growing faster.

Do salt crystals form faster than borax crystals?

Well it depends. But im currently growing salt, suagr and borax crystals and my borax crystals formed first. So i guess my answer is No, borax crystals grow faster but dont take my answer as a fact i could be wrong.

What are three spices that can form crystals?

sugar, salt, and alum powder

Do borax crystals form faster than salt crystals?
