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Q: Can doctor arrest you for testing positive for cocaine?
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If im addicted to cocaine what drugs will your doctor give you?

they wont theyll arrest you

Can hair be positive for cocaine and negative for the metabolites?

im not a doctor but yes trust me im a doctor

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Can benzocaine have cocaine in it?

Cocaine is also called coke, C, snow, flake, or blow. It may contain other substances, such as cornstarch, talcum powder, or sugar. It may also contain other drugs, such as another local anesthetic called procaine or a stimulant such as amphetamine.

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I am not a doctor but I do have experience with UA's and promethazine or as it is commonly referred to as Phenergan has nothing in common with cocaine so in my opinion it is very unlikely for Phenergan to give a false positive for cocaine. It is much more likely if you did come up with a false positive that the test is simply bad and wrong This has happened to me.

Is it normal to have slight cramping after testing positive yesterday for pregnancy?

I would call a doctor. Good luck to you and God Bless:)

What are some good excuses can you give your pain management doctor to why your urine came back positive for cocaine?

Your a drug addict that's what he knows you don't need to say anything.

What are the positive outcomes of using Cocaine?

There really are no positive outcomes. Some might use it to focus or stay alert, but there are more appropriate medications to use for that and any medication like that should be prescribed by a doctor. Sure, for the short term, someone may think cocaine use is favorable. However, it can cause premature aging and damage the heart.

Can doctor call police for positive cannabis when testing for narcotics?

Yes. There is no oath or promise with a doctor of keeping illegal drug use hidden. If that was the case no DUIs would be prosecuted nor drug use.

Does novocaine show up on a drug test?

The answer to this question is very simple. Yes you will test positive for cocaine if you have recently had Novocaine. So be sure to get a note from your doctor saying that he administered Novocaine. When your body metabolizes novacaine the same compounds are left as those of cocaine. Novacaine and cocaine are in the same family. I failed a drug test due to Novocaine so I am telling you from a first hand experience. I cannot stress enough get a letter from your dentist that you received Novocaine.

What test does the doctor do when he use the hammer?

The doctor is testing your reflexes.

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His doctor.