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Though your dog will probably never be drug tested, if you dilute it with water, the concentration of the drug excreted will be lowered, but the results will not change, and most drug testing systems will be able to detect if it was altered. This rule also applies for human urinalisis tests.

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Q: Can dog pass a drug urine test if you put a couple of drops of water in it?
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Yes BEcuase they water will multiply the drug cells

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if the drug test is on urine, then drinking lots of water will make it difficult to detect

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Yes, more than enough, it only requires a few drops.

If you drink water with a couple drops of Clorox will you come out clean on a drug test?

Yes, drinking a bottle of water with one or two drops of bleach will block the THC of marijuana and most drugs out of your urine, tho after doing so, you must take a first pee, which will release all the toxins of any drugs you have taken out of your urine. any where from the next 2-3 times you go pee, it will come out clean on a urine drug test. Ps. I've done this, it works, but it's catchy, your pee will be most likely clear, which is suspicious (for this, take a bottle of food coloring yellow and add a bit to add color, no one will notice) also, its hard to chug the water, since the bleach is strong in taste and smell, its best to take a bottle 1-2 hours before your test in medium small amount sips.

Will drinking lots of water help in dilute a urine test for suboxone?

can drinking alot of water 2-3 hours before drug screen give a clean urine for suboxone,,, the drug test checks for suboxone

How much water do you drink to get heroin out of your system?

Heroin will usually stay in your system for 2-5 days. Drink several glasses of water so you urinate as much as possible before your drug test. But, be warned that drinking enough water to flush your system will result in clear urine which will be considered too diluted and you will fail your drug test. After you've drank enough water, and your urine is clear, drink enough soda to make you urinate a couple more times to make your urine a yellowish color.

Can you pass a drug test by putting rubbing alcohol in the urine?

i doubt it. I don't think rubbing alcohol will do anything, except ask for a re-test. if you want to pass the drug test for THC. drinks LOTS of water (tea is supposedly better for flushing it out) (just don't drinks lots of water in one go, you can get water poisoning, but drink lots of water thru out the day) and on the day of your urine test, drinks even more water, and take a b-complex supplement. the b-complex makes your urine more yellow, so they don't think it's really diluted with water. drinking water doesn't flush THC out of your system, but it makes it dilute in your test. because, you don't fail the test if you have a bit of THC in your system, it's to avoid some false positives, there's a threshold. So you need to dilute your urine, so that the THC concentration in your urine is less than the threshold. and avoid giving your first urine of the day because your THC concentration is the highest after you sleep. If it's in the morning, wake up a couple hours earlier, and drink water, so you piss a couple of times before you give your urine. good luck this is from pass experience and research (when i needed to pass)

Do drug tests know if its pure water or urine or not?

Yes, any Lab and many rapid tests look for urine pH, gravity and creatinine levels. Also check out for "adulteration drug test"

How do you get generic adderall amphetamine salt out of your urine?

The only way to pass a drug test while your on a generic adderall, is to get a body cleansing drink. or you can just wait a couple days, drink a lot of water and put a couple layers on (couple shirts, long sleeve shirt, and hoodie) and go outside and run around for 20 or 30 minutes. Do this through out the day and the next couple. If done right uou will definitely pass the drug test.

Was is the best way to beat a drug urine test?

Take Niacin and drink a lot of water.