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Q: Can dog urine corrode copper pipes?
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Can dog urine corrode copper?

Yes. Cat urine is fairly concentrated uric acid, and like any acid, will corrode metals including copper.

If dog eats money will they get sick?

If your dog eats paper money, he/she will probably be fine. If your dog eats metal coins, you need to take him/her to the vet immediately for foreign body surgery - metal coins can corrode in the stomach and cause zinc or copper poisoning.

What kind of dog does Jon Bon Jovi have?

yes, a dog copper

Is copper a good dog name?

Yes, Copper is a perfectly fine name for a dog. If it fits your dog, and you love it... Then yes!

Why does your dog urine smell like fish?

Why are you smelling dog urine, new hobby or something?

Is female dog urine more fertile then male dogs?

Urine plays NO part in dog mating.

Will a cat urine where a dog had?


Dog urine brown grass?

Grass turns brown after a dog urines on it because there is acid in its urine. What if they crap?

Can people do the urine with dogs bladder?

yes sure, I had a dog bladder for 2 years and I can still do the urine nicely. the operation people killed a dog and put the guts and the bladder inside me. my urine is dogish and smells like a dog urine but I can cope with it

Is dog urine an acid?

Everybodies urine is an acid. That's why it comes out of you.

Can you get a rash from dog urine?

Since you can get a rash from human urine (think diaper rash) - yeah you can get a rash from dog urine but a brief exposure usually won't be enough unless you are allergic to something the dog ate.

Which type of dog is Copper from Disney's The Fox and The Hound?

Copper is the fox. The dog in the movie is a bloodhound.