

Can dogs eat breath mints

Updated: 11/13/2022
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13y ago

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They make mint flavored treats for dogs.

Do NOT give them anything sugar free as the substitute eg xylitol is lethal to dogs

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Q: Can dogs eat breath mints
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Can dogs eat mints?

Yes, it can actually make a dog's breath smell better.

Is it healthy for a dog to eat mints?

Dogs can eat mints but if you feed them too many they might get sick. if you are concerned about your dogs breath you should brush their teeth properly with an old tooth brush Sure dogs can eat mints, A lot of dogs wont even touch it though. I have an English Bulldog that will take the little ice breaker mints and then foam at the mouth, it's funny. It is not safe for a dog to eat mints. In fact many "sweets" contain Xylitol which is poisonous to dogs. Dogs that eat Xilitol can develop a sudden drop in blood sugar, which can cause weakness, lethargy, loss of coordination, collapse and seizures. Symptoms can begin in as little as 30 minutes and last hours. It is recommended that pets that experience symptoms be taken to a veterinarian or local emergency clinic for evaluation.

Why are dogs' mouths cleaner that humans?

Dogs mouths are cleaner than humans because the food that they eat actually turns into toothpaste and breath mints. And, yes, this is true. I am a librarian, so i would know.

Why do you eat breath mints?

A. Cus There Nice & B. Cus They Make Ur Breath Smell Nice Glad To Help - ?? BlondeAfro

Can you give your dog breath mints?

Not human mints, but you can give them doggie mints which you can buy in stores.

What do mints cool down?


Can you cover the smell of weed on your breath?

The smell of cigarette smoke will always overpower the smell of marijuana smoke. Or you could just chew gum or eat breath mints.

Are breath mints good for people?

yes they help your breath not stink

What should you do if your friend with benefits penis gives you onion breath?

chew gum, eat mints, and/or brush your teeth afterwards.

How do you get rid of filling taste after the dentist?

Well you cant eat anything after 2 hours after that you can gargle and use breath mints

Do breath mints work better than mouthwash?

No. They don't. Don't use them instead of mouthwash. Its called mouthwash because it washes your mouth. breath mints do not. Plus, mouthwash keeps your mouth feeling fresh and clean. Only a few mints do. Some people just eat mints for fun, or for a quick to keep their mouth fresh, but only lasts for a short time.

How do you improve the smell of your breath?

Jeezzz.... Only in america... You eat mints. or chew gum And if you want to share the gum with her, But don't ask her if she would like some. Before you eat it, Because she will think that her breath stinks