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Dogs can eat mints but if you feed them too many they might get sick. if you are concerned about your dogs breath you should brush their teeth properly with an old tooth brush Sure dogs can eat mints, A lot of dogs wont even touch it though. I have an English Bulldog that will take the little ice breaker mints and then foam at the mouth, it's funny. It is not safe for a dog to eat mints. In fact many "sweets" contain Xylitol which is poisonous to dogs. Dogs that eat Xilitol can develop a sudden drop in blood sugar, which can cause weakness, lethargy, loss of coordination, collapse and seizures. Symptoms can begin in as little as 30 minutes and last hours. It is recommended that pets that experience symptoms be taken to a veterinarian or local emergency clinic for evaluation.

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Q: Is it healthy for a dog to eat mints?
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Can dogs eat mints?

Yes, it can actually make a dog's breath smell better.

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Is it normal to sneeze when you eat mints even if you do not have an allergic reaction?

If they're really strong mints I guess it is normal. If I eat really strong flavored mints or something my eyes water which makes me sneeze sometimes ;)