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Q: Can dogs eat the pods from snow peas?
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Can you eat pea pods?

Of course. Snow peas and sugar snap peas are cooked and eaten whole (seeds and pods). Sometimes they are even eaten without being cooked, with no harm to come to their consumer. Eating the pods of peas is alright!

What part of peas do you eat?

you eat the flowers and the pods

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We eat the seed heads of wheat and other cereal crops. The peas and pods (pods especially when young). The potato tubers growing underground.

Can you eat peas from a sweet pea plant?

You can chew on them, but they are very high in fibre which turns into an inedible mess in your mouth ... you will no doubt be spitting that out. But they do have a nice, sweet pea flavour much like snow peas. Cooking the pods wouldn't help, and the peas inside the pods don't grow very large. Just enjoy the riot of color and scent from the blossoms and grow regular peas for eating (the less cooked the better IMHO).

What part of the pea plant do you eat?

you always eat the leafs of a pea plant. the pods hold the actual peas! so you eat the leafs

What do torteses eat?

they eat vegetation weeds tomatos (no seeds) peas watermelon

Will you die if you eat peas?

No.However, raisins and grapes can be harmful to dogs.

What eats mesquite?

Many wild animals along with rodents and birds eat mesquite. Coyotes have been known to eat mesquite beans and pods. Mesquite pods are safe and even beneficial for dogs as well.

What is mangetout?

It is a young variety of edible pea, typically "snow peas", "sugar peas" or "sugar snap peas". With "mange tout" you can eat the pod, as well as the peas inside. "Mange tout" is based on the French words "manger" (meaning "to eat") and "tout" (meaning "all"), hence, "eat all".

Is peas bad for dogs?

Sure. And carrots are good for them, too. But chocolate and grapes are very bad for canines.Added by different user:There is actually no nutritional value to peas and carrots unless you cook or puree them. The reason for this is because dogs cannot break down the cellulose from vegetables and fruit by themselves. They are not necessarily bad for dogs, they just won't do anything to improve their health unless you cook or puree them.Chocolate isn't just bad for dogs, it can killthem. Grapes are also bad for dogs, raisins, and avocado are bad.Hope this helps.

Can pug puppies eat green peas?

Yes. Green peas are not poisonous to dogs but you should be careful about giving "people" food to dogs, they may have trouble digesting certain foods and some are poisonous to dogs.

Do animals that live in the snow eat snow?

Some animals like dogs like snow but it depends which animal you are talking about