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Q: Can dogs get upper respitory infections from humans?
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How long the dog cold last?

Dogs do not get the same cold as humans. Dogs get upper respiratory infections or canine bronchitis. These illnesses typically last between one and two weeks without treatment.

Can a dog transfer a cold between humans?

They can, but they may not show the same or all symptoms. A cold will not affect them the same way, the biggest problem is that they can give it to humans... and they are sneaky strep throat carriers too!

Can dogs carry staph and pass it on to humans?

Dogs can certainly carry staph infections. This then means that dogs can definitely carry the staph infection and pass it to humans.

Can dogs smell infection?

Dogs can detect odours that humans cannot, as dogs have the ability to detect odours at concentrations 100 million times lower than humans. Infections have a characteristic smell, so yes, dogs can smell infection.

Are ear mites contagious?

No a dog can't get a ar infection from a human. Humans can't catch ear infections from other humans either because ear infections are from yeast. Yeast forms when you have a moist warm environment so basily dogs ears. Yeast is like a bacteria of fungi.

Can dogs pass yeast infections to humans?

The yeast organisms are waiting for the proper conditions to grow. They are already in the dog's ears. They are in your ears, too. They are everywhere.

Can dogs get kidney infections?

Yes they get them, also urinary tract infections.

Are Italian Greyhound dogs prone to eye infections?

Yes, the Italian Greyhound dogs are very prone to eye infections.

Are Italian Greyhound dogs prone to ear infections?

Yes, all Italian Greyhound dogs are prone to ear infections.

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Can nitrofurantoin-macro be used on animals?

In general, no - nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic prescribed for urinary tract infections in humans. However, dogs (primarily female dogs) get UTIs from different bacteria than those infecting humans, and they need antibiotics specific for their bacterial infections.

Can a dog pass a infection to another dog?

yes dogs can catch infections from humans. Like cough, sneezing etc