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yes, because my dog can look up! haha

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Q: Can dogs look up with their eyes?
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Do dogs have up 2 eyes?


What is the goo that comes out of your dogs eye?

its just a pile up of what they get in there eyes just like you and me get stuff in are eyes

Do dogs have two eyes?

Yes, dogs have two eyes.

Can dogs feel happiness?

yes of course look at their eyes disappointment sadness smiles excitement

Why do dogs look into your eyes when they are in your lap?

dominance. Who is the Alpha male/ female. it's a pack mentality

How can we know dogs crying?

You can tell when dogs cry when the dogs lay down or sit up and they have a sad gloomy face, or just when you look at the dog and they look up teary eyed.

Why do do dogs look up at the ceiling?

Well dogs look up because they're caught a smell in the air and they getting the nose where the smell is strongest

What do dogs look like.?

Dogs are vertebrates, they have a backbone. Dogs have four legs and they can weigh up to 50 kilograms at max. They have lots of hair called fur and they also have large teeth. A dog is cute and cuddly. There are over 300 breeds of dogs. Dogs are furry creatures with eyes that look similar to human ones if you observe closely. They often have tails that wag and long tongues. It is a hard question to answer though, because there are so many types of dogs and not all of them look the same.

Why do dogs appear to have glowing blue eyes in flash photographs and not red eyes like humans?

Because dogs see differently then humans. Might show up in pictures you take.

Is it true that dogs cannot look up?

I've never seen my dog look up.

What do wolves look like up close?

Up close wolves look like dogs

Do dogs close their eyes when they sleep?

Yes, dogs sleep with their eyes closed.