

Can dogs only have certain kinds of chocolate?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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yes. only Dark Chocolate

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Q: Can dogs only have certain kinds of chocolate?
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Is dark chocolate only harmful to dogs?

Yes, eating chocolate can be fatal to dogs. The most dangerous type is dark baking chocolate, as it has the highest concentration of cacao in it.

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Chocolate is worse because of the chemical in it. If a dog swallows gum it's not so bad. The only thing in it is sugar.

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Chocolate is made from cocoa and cocoa beans contain caffeine and a related chemical called theobromine. This chemical can induce hyperactivity, tremors, high blood pressure. rapid heart beat and respiratory failure. The chemical is also toxic to cats

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You can breed any Dachshund colors together, you just do not want to breed dapples or dogs that could be hidden dapples together. A chocolate to a Red can make many colors not just one or two depending on what the dogs themselves carry for. If your red only carries for red and has no chocolate in their background and no pointed dogs i.e. black and tan, then you will only make reds but this is usually only in show lines. I am a breeder btw so hope that helps!

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Well only certain breeds

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they can, but it might make them sick. The only things that dogs cant eat are grapes, rasins, and chocolate.