

Can dolphins breath through there mouths?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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no you stupid head, the breathe through there hole, you no why? cause they want to, there all like hey, im a dolphin i could breathe throw my mouth if i wanted to but instead im gonna breathe through my hole cause im a dolphin and i like to swim, speaking about swimming i went swimming yesturday it was very refreshing i got wet from the water but that was expected, so yeah it was a good day i went on the big slide 12 times :) i am so good, wow i got a bit of topic there, sorry about that, but the answer is no, they cant :) turtle ,=,e

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13y ago

No they can not. they can only breath through their blowhole's. that is why they only put their back up when they come for air.

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