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Moderate to severe consumption of Diet Soda which has Aspartame as artificial sweetener can increase the risk of optic nerve swelling, optic nerve atrophy, retinal atrophy and retinal degeneration which can predispose to retinal detachment.. They found that Aspartame can cause damage to retinal blood vessels and increase the risk of leakage of blood and fluid from these damaged vessels.

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Q: Can drinking Diet Coke cause detached retina?
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Can drinking Diet Coke cause scoliosis?

no way. that is totally impossible

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hocu pocus pumpkins focus, cometo life and cause some strife!

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== ==

Will drinking rum and coke affect your sugar levels?

Not if you're using Diet Coke. In fact, many people have said there is actually a slight dip in blood sugars after drinking.

What result does coke have on your intestines?

Assuming you're talking about the soda, Coke, it can affect the stomach and intestines. If you have gastrointestinal problems, the acid, artificial sweetners, and other ingredients can irritate ulcers, cause abdominal bloating/intestinal gas, and sometimes cause diarrhea. Drinking Coke in moderation doesn't normally produce annoying symptoms. The problems arise when we drink too much.

Does dark soda cause acne?

yes dark soda such as pepsi, coke, and root beer cause acne. how? the carmel colering in the soda has a negative reaction to the skin when drank

Can you die by drinking coke?

actually you will just get really fat

Can drinking to much Diet Coke effect your joints?


What side effects does coke have on a kid?

No, all kids 9-15 are allowed to have coke as long as they are healthy