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The earthworms are just protein and cannot hurt your dogs nutritionally. However, some dogs are sensitive and it can upset their stomachs so a minimal amount of earthworms is advised.

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Q: Can eating worms that come up after a heavy rain hurt your dogs?
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Can dogs get worms from eating poop?

Worms live in poop. By eating poop they have worms and barf

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You can get worms by your dog eating poop and then licking you and then you suck on your fingers you can get worms by eating any kind of poop so dont try it

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Yes they can get worms

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It depends on how old the bread is really.

Why do dogs get worms?

Intestinal worms are parasites, which are caused by the dog being exposed (usually by eating something unpleasant) to the immature forms of the worms. Dogs can also get some worms from insects biting them, such as fleas carrying tapeworms and mosquitoes carrying heartworms. Ticks are also a known reservoir of internal parasites for dogs, along with several nasty bacterial infections like Lyme disease.

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Dogs get tape worms from garbage or from eating uncooked meat specially pork.

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White worms in cats and dogs are probably tapeworm, which is spread by fleas.

Can adults get worms from dogs?

The answer is NO humans can not get worms from dogs

Can you get worms from eating paper and cardboard?

i don't think so you can only get worms from going close to dogs mouths or bottoms. or from any other person that has worms. hope this helps yours sincerely, Megzta

Does milk really give dogs worms?

it could milk is bad for cats cats are lactos and tolerate

How do dogs get PARASITE?

They can get worms from sniffing other dogs fecal matter

How could dogs get worms?

From eating bad food and dead animals. there might be other reasons that i don't know though.