

Best Answer

Hmmm. Where do you suppose you got those words ... "energy ... destroyed" ?

Could it be from the conservation law that says that energy can't be created or

destroyed ? Is there a reason that you can't accept that law as a law ?

One more time, read our lips: Energy is never created or destroyed. When it's

changed from one form to another, you can never avoid having some of it leak

away and no longer be available to you. But it's not destroyed, and it's always

pretty easy to understand where the missing energy went.

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Q: Can energy be destroyed when converting from one form of energy to another?
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What energy can change from on form to another but cant be created or destroyed?

The answer is Kinetic Energy.

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energy is that which can not be destroyed. it can only be changed from one form to another.

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Changed from one form to another - energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can be created or destroyed as long as it is later converted to a more common form?

No, the Law of Conservation of Energy (a.k.a. First Law of Thermodynamics) states that energy CAN NOT be created or destroyed. Converting energy to a less valuable form is related to the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

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Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is transformed form one form to another.

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It is a fundamental that energy can neither be created or destroyed just changed from one form to another.

Is the law of conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is transferred to another no energy is destroyed?


The law of conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is converted into another?

no energy is destroyed in the process

What is the scientific rule that states energy can not be destroyed?

The Law of the Conservation of Energy. Stating it can be neither created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.

What does the law of convervation?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. The energy just changed from one form to another for of energy.