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Q: Can energy drinks make your heart explode?
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Do energy drinks affect rats?

yes! it makes them swell up in the belly they will sometmes make them explode into litte piece with blood and gutts everywhere_seriously try it

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Do people make energy drinks from caribou moss?

yes they squeeze the plant and that's where they get the energy drinks from.

Do energy drinks eventually make you more tired than before you drank them?

yes energy drinks do make you tireder than before

Do energy drinks affect you positively?

Energy drinks never give's you energy in real. Its just a business for the company who ever make's it.

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stimulus nutrients are nutrients that make your heart pump faster and makes you hyper. an example would be like soda or energy drinks

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How do you make homemade energy drinks?

it is called coffe

What medicine can make coke explode?

NITROGLYCERIN is extreemly dangerous and can make most anything explode especially a bottle of soda. It is used to help people not have a heart attack.

Do energy drinks make you sterile?

Only if they are nuclear energy drinks! Energy drinks are packed full of fruit and veggies, protein powder, vitamins, some have added sugar and caffeine. There is nothing in an energy drink that affects your reproductive organs.

What are some of the health isssue's from energy drinks?

heart attack stroke gives people the jitters abnormal heart rythms increase ur blood pressure makes the heart work harder have a Adrenaline Rush can make you feel sick can cause dehydration energy crash sleep problems headaches

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So energy drinks effect your head?