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Recently a long gamma-ray burst from quasar ULAS J1120+0641, with a red shift z≅7, could indicate the possibility of protogalaxies explosions (w/ z>11) could had occured just after the Dark Age of the Universe.

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Q: Can entire galaxies explode because of active galactic nucleus - AGN - or other reason?
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What do active galaxies differ from normal galaxies?

Galaxies that emit much more radiation (different types of radiation) than a typical galaxy. This actually happens in the galaxy's center, so it's more accurate to talk about an active galactic nucleus. The active galactic nucleus is believed to be caused by a black hole. From Wikipedia: " The radiation from AGN is believed to be a result of accretion of mass by a supermassive black hole at the centre of its host galaxy."

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The "nucleus".

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An active galactic nucleus is a compact region at the centre of a galaxy which has a higher than normal luminosity over a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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A type of galaxy is probably the answer you are looking for. However, a quasar is actually an active galactic nucleus.

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Because astronomers are still developing techniques to observe objrcts that lie on the opposite side of our galaxy nucleus from us.

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The sun is 30'000 light years from the central galactic point.

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All types of galaxies have a core with a high star density. All galaxies with "arms" are called Spiral Galaxies, of which there are sub-types related to the shape of the arms.

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Galaxies may have any of four general shapes. Elliptical galaxies show little or no structure and vary in general shape from moderately flat and round or oval to spherical. Spiral galaxies have a small, bright central region, or nucleus, and arms that come out of the nucleus and wind around, trailing off like a giant pinwheel. In barred spiral galaxies, the arms extend sideways in a short straight line before turning off into the spiral shape. Both kinds of spiral systems are flat. Irregular galaxies are usually rather small and do not have a symmetrical shape.

How does the structure of the Milky Way Galaxy change over time?

The stars in the spiral arms gradually rotate around the galactic nucleus

What is a BL Lac object?

A BL Lac object is a term used in astronomy for a type of active galaxy with an active galactic nucleus.

How is the galaxy solar system and universe related?

Due to the interactions of two effects, gravity and angular momentum, lighter bodies orbit around heavier ones. In the case of a solar system, planets (and other stuff) orbit around a star; in the case of galaxies, it's the stars that orbit around a central core, or nucleus. The Earth orbits the Sun in a year; the Sun orbit the galactic core in about 260 million years. Galaxies do not appear to orbit anything else, because the Universe doesn't seem to have enough "stuff" to provide that "heavier body." Although there is something called the Great Attractor which seems to affect the trajectories of the galaxies, on the whole, they're just spreading out as the UNiverse expands.

How long does it take the sun to complete one orbit around the galactic nucleus?

Astronomers tell us between 225,000 and 250,000 years.