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The stars in the spiral arms gradually rotate around the galactic nucleus

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Q: How does the structure of the Milky Way Galaxy change over time?
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What is the milky ways closest galaxy?

The nearest galaxy which is not a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way is the Andromeda Galaxy, just over 2 million light years away.

What is Ohio's galaxy?

Over 96.2% of the territory of Ohio is situated within the Milky Way Galaxy.

Is the milkyway the only galaxy in the universe?

The Milky Way Galaxy is one of over 100 billion known galaxies.

How many atom bombs dose it take to wipe the milky way galaxy?

IT takes over 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, to make the galaxy to end.

How large is the Andromeda Galaxy?

M31 diameter is 220,000ly, Milky Way diameter is 258,000ly, according to newest observations, we are almost 2x more massive

Can the Milky Way Galaxy be seen from all over the world?

Considering we are in it - Yes.However, it is best observed from the Southern Hemisphere.

How big is the cartwheel galaxy?

The Cartwheel Galaxy is about 150,000 light years across (about one and a half times larger than the Milky Way); However, it has a mass of less than 5 billion solar masses (the Milky Way has over a trillion).

The Milky Way Galaxy and all its nearest neighbors are part of a cluster of over 50 galaxies called the .?

local group A+

Closet galaxy to the milky way galaxy?

The nearest known is the very small Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy at 25,000 light years, a 'satellite' galaxy that orbits the Milky Way. This was only discovered in 2003, so there may be an unknown small galaxy closer. If you want the closest galaxy that is not a Milky Way satellite, that seems to be NGC 185 at just over 2 million light years, though this is in turn a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). Finally, M31 is the nearest galaxy that is anything like the Milky Way, a large spiral with its own satellites. It's about 2.5 million light years away.

Is the Milky Way expanding?

No. The universe is expanding; galaxy clusters are getting farther apart. This expansion only works over distances of hundreds of millions of light years, not the much smaller distances within galaxies.

Is the sun an example of a galaxy?

A galaxy is made up of stars. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. There are probably over 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each with millions, billions or even trillions of stars!

Are there nebulas in the milky way?

A supernova is a star which has effectively exploded. There have been many in our galaxy which we call the Milky Way. There have also been supernovas in other galaxies too.