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Baptist clergy are called Ministers or Pastors usually and there's nothing against marriage :)

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Every 40 years they go in front of committee, if all 20 vote yes then its their free will

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Q: Can episcopalian priests marry
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What is a sentence for episcopalian?

Episcopalian priests may be male or female.All of her ancestors were Episcopalian except for her great-grandfather.The Episcopalian faith uses Sacraments similar to those in the Catholic Church.

Are Jewish priests allowed to marry?

all Jewish men are commanded to marry. Including priests

If married can you be a priest?

In the Roman Catholic Church, it is required that a priest be celibate. This is to keep the priest from being distracted from doing God's will as a priest. However, if an Anglican or Orthodox priest who is married converts to Catholicism he is able to become a Catholic priest and keep his wife. In the Eastern Catholic Church though, the priests are allowed to marry though. Lutheran and Episcopalian Priests are allowed to marry as well.

Could priests marry when Elizabeth was Queen?

Then as now Catholic Priests could not marry; but Anglican Priests who were not members of religious orders were allowed to get married.

Can episcopalian priests be female?

In the Episcopal Church, both men and women are ordained to the priesthood. They can also be Bishops. Women could become priests in the Episcopal Church beginning in 1976.

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Are protestantism priest able to marry?

Catholic priests will refuse to marry anyone not belonging to their faith. A Protestant pastor will do the job.

What was not a conclusion of the Council of Trent?

priests should not be allowed to marry lol trevor rige taylor

What is a priest's age to marry in Church?

Priests do not marry at any age.

How did the change from Catholic to protestant affect the priests?


Can priests marry now?

only non-catholics can marry. ANSWER 2: The only priests who may not marry are Roman Catholic. The clergy of other sects of Catholicism (ie., Russian & Greek Orthodox) are permitted to marry.

Did Pope John Paul II marry?

No, priests, including the pope, do not marry.