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Q: Can everything go in and out of the cell?
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How does each new cell get the instructions it needs for survival?

the cell splits. everything splits in the cell, so everything is already in the cell.

What organizes the cell's activities?

penisses controll everything in the universe, everything, including ''the cell''

What are the functions of cell membrane in all cells?

the cell membrane is like the skin of a cell. it keeps everything in that needs to be in and everything out that needs to be out.

What does the cytoplasm does for the cell?

It holds everything in the cell in place

What does cytoplasma do for the cell?

It holds everything(Organelles) in the cell.

What protects the cell and holds everything in?

the cell membrane

Is cell wall and plants related?

Yeah. The cell wall keeps everything inside the plant cell inside. and everything else, OUTSIDE

Where does cellular waste go once its disposed of by lysosomes?

Any waste that the lysosomes do not dispose of are pumped out of the cell in process called ercytosis. Everything else is dissolved by the cell

What are the bs for the nucleus in a animal cell?

the function of a nucleus is to control everything that comes in the cell. It also holds everything that comes in the cell. It also holds all the DNA in the cell.

Why Is cell theory not a law?

Because not everything about a cell is known.

What does the cell wall do in the cell?

it protects everything in it like a wall

What is a watery environment in the cell that holds everything?

Cell MembraneCell Membrane