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Q: Can excessive postnasal drip cause sore throat?
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Can postnasal drip cause a bad taste in your mouth overnight?

No. Postnasal drip leaves a great taste in your mouth.

What causes a fuzzy throat feeling?

A "fuzzy" throat can have many causes. Allergies can cause your throat to feel fuzzy due to postnasal drip, or strep throat can begin with a fuzzy feeling in your throat.

What is perineal postnasal drip?

Nothing called Perineal postnasal drip. It should be perennial postnasal drip. perennial = lasting or active throughout the whole year postnasal drip = mucopurulent discharge from the posterior nares. so it is perennial postnasal drip. SK :)

What illness or disease would cause a feeling of food stuck in your throat ALL the time but the throat is NOT sore and there is a feeling that the lungs are not working at full capacity?

It can be caused by Heartburn, which always leaves a lump in your throat, postnasal drip is another big culprit, you may have an allergy you are not aware of,. Food allergies will do it as well. Also anxiety attacks will cause a lump in your throat that may feel like food. Either way, all of the above, should be checked by a doctor.

Can nystatin powder harm your lungs?

Yes! Inhaling nystatin clears nasal congestion and postnasal drip.

What are the causes of sore throat?

There are many possible causes of sore throat, ranging from viral infections to allergies to environmental irritants. 🩺 Some common causes of sore throat include the common cold, the flu, strep throat, sinus infections, postnasal drip, and allergies. It's important to see a doctor if you have a sore throat that lasts for more than a week or if you have any other symptoms such as fever, headache, or difficulty breathing

What is post nasal drip?

Nose and throat glands continually produce one to two quarts of mucus a day. This moistens and cleans the nasal membranes, humidifies air, traps and clears inhaled foreign matter, and fights infection. Although mucus is usually swallowed unconsciously, the feeling that it is accumulating in the throat or dripping from the back of the nose is called post-nasal drip. Post-nasal drip can be caused by excessive or thick secretions by throat muscle or by swallowing disorders.

What doe it mean to have cobblestone of the posterior pharyngeal wall?

The term cobblestoning is used to describe streaks of lymphoid tissue (the cells that fight bacteria) on the posterior pharynx (throat) which is usually seen with allergic rhinitis (chronic runny nose). My doctor told me that the appearance is that of a cobblestone street, hence the name. It in itself is not dangerous or life threatening but the cause of this condition could be serious and should be treated. This is also seen a lot with chronic postnasal drip.

Do acid reflux makes you spit all the time?

Acid reflux causes heartburn and discomfort in the esophagus. Spitting up could happen due to excessive post nasal drip, burning throat or bile reflux.

Why does it hurtmy throat when you inhale?

You could just have a sore throat. Or maybe a post-nasal drip, and that can irritate your throat, and could also cause it to make it dryer. I would try to drink/eat cold things, or if you can find a good medicine, that could work to. That's all I can think of though. (:

Why does my throat hurts?

There are many causes for lower throat pain. These causes can include Allergies, post nasal drip, or strep throat. If symptoms persist see a doctor.

Can acid reflux lead to sinus and nose pressure?

No, it cannot. It will end up in your mouth.