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Q: Can eye contacts cause sinus infection?
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Should you throw away your contacts after having a sty?

Yes, ma'am. Throw away your contacts after any type of eye infection. And idealy, do not wear contacts during an eye infection.

Can I get Pink eye from a sinus infection?

Yes it Is very common

Is it harmful for you to use eye drops when you have a sinus infection?

If the eye drops are for moisturizing or rewetting with contact lenses it should be fine to use them while you recover from your sinus infection. If the drops contain medication, check with your pharmacist or the prescribing doctor to make sure the medication in the drops and the medication for your sinus infection can be used together.If the tip of the eye drops bottle came in contact with your eye or tears, since your sinus infection started, call your doctor or pharmacist to see if they think the drops are contaminated and need to be replaced.

Can a sinus infection cause eye and temple pain?

You have a chronical fester sinusid,nothing to warry about.I had it when i was 12 years old,but i healed.It's genetical.It sometimes feels bad(your nose gets stuck),but you'll be ok.You should see a doctor,cause it could be anything.Good luck :) That sounds like a real possibility. See a physician to find out if it's an infection that needs antibiotics or if you could just get by with decongestants. That sounds most liekly like a sinus issue, though you should consult a physician. You might have a sinus infection or it could be something else.

Can snorting cocaine cause an eye infection?

Yes it can! An eye infection can occur due to repetitive snorting of cocaine over a period of days and weeks. Cocaine can irritate the eye cavity causing an infection to the eye. Most regular cocaine users will normally have blocked or infected sinus which will only help to the risk of infection to the nose, ears, eyes, and throat. See your doctor for some antibiotics to clear the infection and discuss your cocaine issue with regards to further infection.

Can pine needles in eye give eye infection?

Yes, it can. Any object in the eye can cause infection. What happens is the needle is probably carrying harmful bacteria that, when introduced into the body, can cause infection. You could go blind if you get an infection in the eye.

Is it normal for a chiweenie to have puffy eyes and eye boogers?

This is certainly not a breed-specific symptom. It sounds to me like a sinus or eye infection. I recommend visiting a vet to avoid further infection.

What would happen if you put someone elses colored contacts in your eyes?

nothing, unless that someone has a weird eye disease like pink eye , then you might have it too. But nothing happens .

Can sinus inflammation cause eye floaters?

It's possible but they don't really know the cause of it.

Can you get a parasite from contacts?

yes, you can. If you wash your contacts with tapwater, you can get an infection in your eye. Always make sure you keep your contacts clean and clean it with the solution your optician gives you and youll be fine! (:

I have a sore head cheek eye and ear on the left side any ideas?

It could be a sinus infection. See your doctor.

Have headache pain around eye for 6 days and it wont go away?

More than likely its a sinus infection.