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They can be bulimic but not anorexic. Actually, a person can certainly be mentally anorexic regardless of their weight. I believe that weight or BMI should not be so important when diagnosing anorexia. Anyone can be psychologically anorexic.

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Q: Can fat people be anorexic I am 13 5 2' and 170 pounds...?
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I am 14 and weigh 170 pounds Am I too old and fat to dance ballet?

If you 14 and weigh 170 pounds, then you are too old and fat to dance ballet. Overweight does not mean you cannot dance.

Can you give me a sentence with the word ungainly?

anorexic people are ungainly in fat

Scary skinny do you have a disease?

Anorexia is not plain looks. To be anorexic is to not be in control of your own actions towards food. You restrict and do not care what it does to you, because all you care about is control and not gettting fat. If you are like that, and 25 pounds underweight, then you are considered anorexic. If you are just 25 pounds underweight, you are unhealthy, but not anorexic or diseased.

Do anorexic people drink coffee?

Anorexic people have aversions to food because they think they are "fat" of over-weight. Some will drink coffee without cream or sugar.

Can someone be average size and still be anorexic?

Yes, some people are started out as fat, but if your not fat is is likely that you will become scrawny. Also some people can eat or starve for long periods of time and not change in size. (THIS SHOULDN'T INSPIRE PEOPLE TO BECOME ANOREXIC)

Is beching 160 in 7th grade good if you weigh 170?

Whether kilos or pounds, yes that is very good in my opinion. However, it should be best if those 170 pounds are in muscle, not fat. :)

Do anorexic people lose thigh weight?

Yes, it takes longer then stomach fat, but yes

Is 5 10' 170 pounds considered fat?

i would say no. especially because you are so tall, but i guess it all really depends on how much muscle you have and how you look. I weigh 170 pounds and i am only 5'4 but i am not fat. You have to remember that it is only a number and all of it could be muscle.

Why do people think its healthy to be anorexic?

it is a psychological disorder in that the patient thinks that if this action is stopped they will get "massively fat".

Are you fat if you weigh 97 pounds and are a 12 year old who is 5'2?

I am 13 and 5ft 6inches and only weigh 65 pounds and i am underweight but not anorexic

How do you feel about you're self if you're anorexic?

you feel ashamed about your weight, even if you are very skinny, you, well you hate yourself for "being" fat the reason i put being in speech marks is, anorexic people are mostly skinny, but think they're fat

When you become anorexic do you get fat?

The exact opposite happens