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The female will most likely die from birthing as the puppies will be to big for her to birth naturally, she will then get complications and be dead by the time your emergency vet has arrived to perform a C-section.

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Q: Can female cockier spaniel mate with rottweiler?
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Can a Rottweiler dad be mate with his daughter?

Yes. A female rottweiler can and will mate with her father. No dog knows the identity of his or her father.

Is it OK for a female staff to mate with a Rottweiler?

As long as they have their breeding papers, I believe they can.

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Why not? as long as they love each other.

Can a female Maltese breed with a male rottweiler?

Yes the female Maltese can breed with a male Rottweiler, but it may hurt her. I say it may hurt her because the puppies will be too large for her tiny little body. The puppies will be too large growing inside of her let alone passing through her birth canal. You may say there is the option of a c section, well the puppies will still be too large growing inside of her. If you really wanted to see what a Maltese and a Rottweiler puppy will look like then, mate the female Rottweiler with the male Maltese. Using the female Rottweiler instead of the female Maltese would be a lot easier and safer, on you and the dog/puppies. The female Rottweiler has a lot more room in her uterus and in her birth canal than what the female Maltese.

How do you breed your female rottweiler that is on day 9 of her heat and the male will not mate because she is jumping him?

Have you tried holding the female on a lead so that the male is able to do his business Please consult your vet .

Can a cocker spaniel mate with an English springer spaniel?

Yes and if the parents are pedigree the babies will be sprockers.

Why wont female rottweiler let male mate her keeps attacking him?

He is probably trying to mount her and she is not ready to mate. The female will only mate at a certain time of her heat, when she is ready she will flag him and flirt with him to let him know she is ready and willing during this time will be the only time she will allow him to completely mount and she will stand for him.

Can a spayed cavalier king charles spaniel mate with a basset hound?

Although it is possible for a Basset Hound to have intercourse with a spayed female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, the female WILL NOT get pregnant. It is also quite unlikely that the Basset Hound will want to try and mate with a spayed female as most males will only try and mate with females if they are in season. As the Cavalier has been spayed, she cannot come into season so the Basset Hound will unlikely want to have intercourse with her. Spayed females cannot get pregnant or go into season, so even if the Basset Hound does mate with her, there is no chance of puppies.

Can an english cocker spaniel mate with an american cocker spaniel?

Yes they should be able but of corse you will get a type of a mix between them good luck:)

What does a female spider do to its mate?

the female spider kills its mate.

Is it acceptable to adopt another male rottweiler with 1 female and 1 more male rottweiler?

No. because the male domination will commence usually with serious consequence..all mammals including man will try to dominate each other over the right to Rotties death or serious injury _-will occur

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No, to mate there needs to be a female and male involved