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usauly if you whant two hamsters of the same sex to live together, you need to intruduce them to each other at a verry young age. even so your same sex hamsters have a more nagitive prentage of getting allong, but still its worth a try


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6y ago

It depends what breed. To be safe ask the shop owner before you put them together!

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15y ago

NO they can fight to DEATH !

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Q: Can female hamsters live together and not fight?
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Can hamsters and babies live together?

When the babies are born, the male will have to be seperated because he could get jelOus and hurt them. The babies can live with the female for a couple of months but then you have to seperate the male and female babies because then they start to breed again

Can 2 female hamsters and a male live together?

No, or yes if you want two mamas if they are dwarf hamsters. If Syrians then no, because they will fight and may even kill each other.

Why do 2 female hamsters keep fighting when they are together they used to live together but started fighting and hurting each other.?

they only fight when they are in heat it is normal

Can hamsters live together once they get older?

NO they will kill each other they fight till death only dwaf hamsters and a few other breeds can live together --------------------------- Improved by .PokemonFreak. Actually, if you have two females it is possible for them to become friends. If you put male and female together the female is going to end up pregnant then you have to separate them or else the female will kill the male.

Why are hamsters fighting if brought up together?

Even hamsters that are siblings will fight because they like to live alone. Dwarf hamsters can live together though, but only if they re brought up together.

Can two female teddy bear hampsters live together?

No. They will fight and kill. You could put two Roborovski, Winter White, or Djungarian dwarf hamsters together though.

Should 2 female robovski hamsters live together?

sure! as long as they aren't syrian hamsters, they will get along nicely

Can hamsters live on their own?

Dwarf hamsters are social and they like to live with other dwarf hamsters, it depends if it wants to be alone or not because if it want to sleep then yes, you should leave it alone.

Can Roborovski hamsters live with winter white hamsters?

It is not a good idea to put those together.

Can two pregnant female hamsters live together in same cage?

bro what i guess

Can you pit hamsters in a cage with a gerbil?

Gerbils and hamsters can live together if they're docile and nice to each other. If they don't get along, the larger rodent could get into a fight with it and kill it. While they could live together, it is best not to mix them together.

Could Guinea pigs and hamsters live in the same cage?

I have been told they will fight if living together.