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If you are going to start keeping leopard geckos, you can only have one male but as many females as you like. If you are trying to breed them then have a few females to up your chances. If you put more then one male in they will fight.

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15y ago
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11y ago

Female leopard geckos are able to be housed together if they are similar size and weight. Even when housing females, some will be more dominate and could bully others. Always monitor new tank mates for up to 7 days to ensure no bullying is happening. Always be sure to quarantine new animals being introduced to a household as there is always risk of parasites.

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13y ago

most of the time female leopard geckos get along with other female leopard geckos and male geckos. bu 2 male geckos will fight possibly leading to death of the smaller one.

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12y ago

Fat tailed geckos can be handled at the same time as handling leopard geckos but Leo's should never be housed with any thing other than another Leo or by its self

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12y ago

Definetly not. They're from completely different environments, and may even fight or something.

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Are leopard geckos happier when there are two?

No. Leopard geckos are solitary. Put two males together and they will fight. Put a male and female together is not a good idea, unless you are prepared to take care of eggs. But if you introduce females to eachother young, they might get along.

Where can female Leopard geckos be ordered? or if they do not have females you can go to a pet store and purchase one. Petco has baby male and female leopard geckos for only $30.

When do leopard geckos have there eggs?

A female leopard gecko usually lays eggs once a month

Can two female leopard gecko breed?

Yes two leopard geckos can breed from the same male and you can also breed them to the male

How old do leopard geckos have to be to be away from their mother?

they are born without their mothers. The female gecko lays her eggs and leaves. In fact, Leopard geckos will eat baby leopard geckos if they see them. Leopard geckos are smart so baby leopard geckos are born already knowing what to do with no help from their mother. They usually never even see their mothers or male children of the mother may even reproduce with the mother.

How heavy should a leopard geckos weigh?

Fully grown Female Leopard geckos usually weigh between 45-80g But males usually weigh slightly more.

How old do female leopard geckos live to be?

If properly cared for, any Leopard Gecko can live up to 20 years.

Can female and female Leopard Geckos live together?

Yes, but two males is a bad idea. and unless you want baby gecko's, no male or female. However, make sure they get along. i had 2 females and they fought alot. one had to be put down as she stopped eating, which the vet blamed on the other one stopping it. Any danger with gecko's is cage mates accidentally standing on eachothers tails. be aware of thses facts before getting another gecko.

Are leopard geckos loners?

No, leopard geckos do not get lonely. They are solitary animals in the wild. In captivity, males will almost certainly fight with each other. Females may or may not fight but do not feel lonely when kept alone.

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Can you breed a 40g leopard gecko with a regenerated tail with a male leopard gecko?

Female leopard geckos should weigh at least 45 grams before being bred.

Can you keep leopard geckos with Madagascar day geckos?

This is some reasons a leopard geckos and Madagascar day geckos can't live together: #1: Madagascars have a different environment than leopard geckos. Madagascar day geckos live in tropical conditions and leopard geckos live in desert conditions. #2 they would be fighting because they are territorial.