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It is possible for a ferret to get pregnant at any time if exposed to more than 12 hours of light - natural and artificial lighting. Ferrets are photoreceptive breeders, meaning they will go into heat if exposed to more than 12 hours of daylight in a day. Large commercial ferret farms breed females three times a year.

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13y ago

if a female ferret is not bred when she is in season, she will remain in state until she is bred. If her vulva is not swollen, she's not in season and will not get pregnant. Also females not in heat will not let a hob mount her.

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8y ago

Yes. Female ferrets give birth to live babies know as kits. A litter can be as few as 1 kit or as many as 17, with the average litter consisting of 6-8 kits.

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14y ago

Female Ferret give birth after a gestation period of about 42 days

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Q: Can ferrets get pregnant at any time of the year?
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Ferrets are not good pets for any child, as they require a lot of care and time.

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Ferrets don't attack. Improperly raised and abused ferrets can become fear biters, just like any animal.

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A cow will come into heat every 21 days, regardless of the time of year, they will not (or at lease should not) come into heat when they are pregnant.

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Lions do not mate at any specific time of year and the females are polyestrous so can come into heat a number of times each year if thy are not already pregnant.

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A dog can get pregnant when it is in its 'heat'. A male dog can tell if a female is in season, but this can be any time in the year.

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Whenever they're in heat or not pregnant. This time period is referred to as the "breeding season" and can literally occur at any time of the year or any time to coincide when you want them to calve.

Can you get pregnant any time?

No. You can get pregnant when you are fertile, in between periods.

If your period comes early does that mean you are pregnant?

You can have a period for about three months after you have become pregnant, my mother had her's for about three months while she was pregnant with me.. That was actually the first time she had her menstrual any consecutive months.. Normally she would have her period once maybe twice a year. But when she got pregnant it was the first time she had her period more than once a year.

Do lions have babies in the spring?

Lions do not mate at any specific time of year. A female will be pregnant for an average of 110 days.

Can ferrets eat guinea pig food?

Do not feed ferrets any guinea pig food or any other pet food. Feed ferrets food made especially for ferrets. They are strict carnivores (meat eater) and cannot properly digest any vegetables, fruits or grains.

When your 16 can you be pregnant?

Of course. Any time after your first period, you can be pregnant.

Can ferrets eat potatos?

No, ferrets should not be fed potatoes, or any vegetable as they are unable to digest. Ferrets are carnivores, meaning meat eaters.