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Q: Can fish oil cause elevated liver enzymes?
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What is the main cause of fish kills in rivers polluted by fertilizers?

High nitrate levels in the water cause an increase in algal growth with reduces the amount of oxygen in the water, which in turn cause the fish to die.

What type of food contains the most cholesterol?

The natural foods containing cholesterol are egg yolks, fish roe(caviar), liver and shrimp. Butter, oil packed fish, cheese and shellfish also contain significant cholesterol.

Why are enzymes?

Enzymes are important because they initiate and regulate biological activity. Enzymes are biological catalysts which means that they speed up chemical reactions inside and outside cells.For example, the digestive enzyme amylase, found in the saliva, breaks down starch into smaller molecules so that it can be absorbed into the blood. Similarly, lipase breaks down lipids (fats) into smaller fat globules, so that they can also be absorbed into the blood. Enzymes allow the body to maintain all of its many cellular and metabolic processes.Without the assistance of digestive enzymes, many of the nutrients in food would not be made available to the body.More than 5000 enzymes are known. To name different enzymes, one typically uses the ending -ase with the name of the chemical being transformed (substrate), e.g., lactase is the enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage of lactose.Each enzyme performs one specific process, so 5000 enzymes will do 5000 different things in the body.What kind of food contains more enzymes? Raw fish, meats, vegetables, fruits and specially fermented foods contain a greater amount of enzymes. hope i helped

Does birds feces contain fish eggs that can cause fish to appear in unstocked bodies of water?

ok i know it is gross but no it would be digested. BUT it ussaly gets stuck to the birds feet and feathers.

What problems can algal bloom cause in a lake?

Oxygen Depletion, resulting in a severe drop in some fish species and general unpleasantness

Related questions

Fish liver function?

fish liver keeps it's boyancy to the best level. it keeps it from sinking to the bottom of the ocaen because with out it, it would sink to the bottom. that's completely inaccurate because that is the function of air bladder. the liver secrete enzymes.

Do you know any over the counter treatment for elevated cholesterol and liver function levels?

you can try fish oil pills and flax oil seed pills. the have been working for me.

A virus that infects the fish in your aquarium will not cause a human disease because?

Enzymes needed for the virus will not be found in humans.

What can cause glucoma?

well, glaucomas can be caused by fish, cat or chicken liver consumption. Also, too much apple juice can cause a glaucoma

What does a fishes liver do?

A fishes liver keeps the fish alive.

What kind of fish has cod liver oil?

Cod liver oil is obtained from cod fish. The best quality cod liver oil is from Nordic Naturals.

Can you eat a liver from a lobster?

Yes, all fish have liver for floating in water

How does the liver of a fish help them?


Is fish good for fatty liver?

fish is goog for fatty leaver desises or not?

What is the function of a fish's stomach?

The Stomach of the Squid is a small shiny sac which food is mixed with chemicals called enzymes.

Fish oil vs cod liver oil?

The main difference between cod liver oil and fish oil capsules is that cod liver oil contains the fat-soluble vitamins A and D. Because these vitamins are stored in the liver of the fish, they are found in cod liver oil, but not in fish oil capsules.

Why PCB can induced vitellogenin in liver?

Vitellogenin (a serum egg protein) can be used as a biomarker for endocrine disruption in fish. PCB is one of the chemicals that can cause an effect which lowers testosterone levels in fish exposed to it. Research shows that North American rivers are receiving these estrogenic chemicals that are biologically active. Rivers that are collected from rivers classified as a National Wild and Scenic Rivers do not show these effects. Vitellogenin causes the liver to produce protohormones that cause the feminization of male fish.