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It depends on the climate where you live. Pet rabbits are descended from wild European rabbits, and they can't handle very hot or cold temperatures. If it stays between 10-23 degrees Celsius where you live (50-75F), that is fine for your rabbit.

There are other dangers outside, not just bad weather. Parasites, insects, poisonous plants, predators, and so on.

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Yes Because They Have a Think Fur and they turn white over the winter to keep off danger

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Q: Can floppy eared rabbit live outside in the winter?
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Why are some rabbits are called lop-eared?

Rabbits have floppy ears because, a rabbit breeder a long time ago selected a rabbit with "deformed ears" ( lopped ears) and bred it with a staight eared rabbit. And they created lop eared rabbits.

Can a floppy-eared rabbit have a baby at 8 weeks old?

No, they can't. Lops (floppy-eared rabbits) reproduce the same as other rabbits do. Does (female rabbits) can start having babies at about 6 months of age; bucks (males), at about 7 months.

What is sometimes called the rabbit eared bandicoot?

The bilby is another name for the rabbit-eared bandicoot.

Is there another name for a rabbit eared bandicoot?

The correct name for the so-called "rabbit eared bandicoot" is Bilby.

Do floppy ears affect the hearing of bunnies?

Yes, lop ears affect a rabbit's ears compared to a radar-eared rabbit. Lop-eared rabbits are prone to deafness and hard of hearing due to the muffling of sound waves through their ears. Imagine covering your ears and hearing the world through them. Radar-eared rabbits can easily swivel their ears to capture the most sound without obstruction.

How can you help a pet rabbit not be aggressive?

you have to be really nice to it and give it everthing it likes.give it treats about 3 times a day and it will probebly start getingto be a little more unaggresive.i have a floppy eared rabbit and it loves running around my room sooooooo you could try that!

Can you give your floppy eared rabbit celery?

Some rabbits have a taste for celery and some don't. You can feed your rabbit celery but if your rabbit doesn't like it, you shouldn't force the rabbit to eat it-- even if its healthy. Celery is a good treat for rabbits. It should be handled as a treat though. A small piece every couple of days is enough.

What is the name of Buffy the vampire slayers floppy eared demon?


Is a rabbit-eared bandicoot the same as a greater bilby?

Yes; the rabbit eared bandicoot is the common name for a bilby, which is a member of the bandicoot family.

What breed of bunny do you have?

Lop eared rabbit

What is the size of the long eared rabbit?


What is lop eared?

A lop-eared rabbit is when the ears droop down instead of sticking up.