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Flouride is a by product of the fertilizer industry and some metal industries. When these inusdustries grew exponentially, early last century, they realised that profitability would be greatly decreased by the cost of cleaning up the pollutant by-products of their fertilizers etc. and so campaigned with so-called experts to convince the public that this pollutant could be used to protect our health.

In the book "health wars" Phillip day gives many references to doctors and many nobel prize winners who collectively claim flouride is indeed highly toxic "leads toxicity=4 (1-10) flouride's toxicity=5" and causes cancer in living organisms- one being bone cancer. The best way to remove flouride from tap water is Reverse ozmosis- systems retailing for around $300 US.

When tap water is boiled flouride is not removed but is rendered more potent.

Water distillation does improve water quality but does not remove contaminants as effectively as does ozmosis.

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Q: Can flouride cause cancer
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