

Can fluorine burn or damage

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Can fluorine burn or damage
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Does fluorine burn?

No. Fluorine is an oxidizing agent, meaning it can cause flammable substances to burn. It is even stronger in this respect than oxygen is.

Does germanium burn?

Not really. It will combine with oxygen or chlorine / fluorine, but poorly.

Can you burn your hair with a flat iron?

Not burn, but damage.

Is fluorine toxic?

Fluorine's main danger to us is its corrosive nature, not its toxicity. You would likely die of the direct damage to your tissues before you needed to worry about its being absorbed. However, in large doses compounds of fluorine, i.e. fluorides, can be toxic, affecting bone structure amongst other things.

Does fluorine react easily?

Very easily. According to the article given by the link wood will start to burn spontaneously in a jet of fluorine without the application of a spark.

What happens when you add fluorine to water?

If you add it to drinking water you it will damage your teeth

Is fluorine combustible?

Yes it is flammable!. Fluorine gas is the most reactive of all the elements and quickly attacks all metals - steel wool bursts into flames when exposed to it! there u go! im sure you wanted to know this so there you go kids or adults.

Can you burn salt?

Yes. To burn a compound you need a halogen with a higher energy than the one in the salt. So if you put sodium chloride in a fluorine rich environment and apply a flame it will burn.

What are the advantages of fluorine?

advantages of fluorine could be something to do with like toothpaste helping ur teeth Answered by christian ward

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Why does a burn still burn when the heat is removed?

Due to the damage caused to the tissue by the heat.

Can fire burn with elements other than oxygen or fluorine?

Yes. Chlorine could sustain such a reaction as well.