

Can food colorant be absorbed in plants?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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yes it can

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Q: Can food colorant be absorbed in plants?
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it is a colorant for food, cosmetic stuff and so

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Plants get nutrients from the soil they are in. The nutrients dissolve in the water and are then absorbed from the plant's roots. Plants make food with photosynthesis.

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All energy begins with the sun. It is absorbed by plants.

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Miracle Gro plant food is actually absorbed by both the foliage and the roots of the plants.

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i think is the carbon dioxide

When plants make their own food what gas do they add to the atmosphere?

Most importantly, carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants in order to photosynthesise. The oxygen is absorbed when plants respire. The atmosphere is the source of rain for their water. Physical aspects of the atmosphere, such as strong winds, can damage plants.

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Compost is great for plants absolutely the best thing! All of the nutrients from the food are absorbed into the compost. Yes! Use it!

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You can use rubber stamps with food if you use a food colorant as an ink as normal stamp ink is toxic