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Q: Can fruits and vegetables strengthen your immune system?
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What body part are fruits vegetables good for?

fruits protect your immune system veggies good 4 your eyes

Do fruits or vegetables contain characteristics of human blood types?

No, fruits and vegetables do not contain some type of blood that are the same as human. However, you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to stay healthy and keep your immune system up.

Which vitamin Protects the immune system stored in the liver found in dairy productsgreen and yellow vegetables and fruits?

Vitamin A ~Apex

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Can a creatine supplement strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of illness?

There is no evidence that a creatine supplement will strengthen your immune system and reduce your risk of illness.

Which system strengthen polyglucan and beta-glucans?

immune system

What is the functions and sources of vitamin a?

Protects the immune system; stored in the liver; found in dairy products, green and yellow vegetables, and fruits. _ APEX

What are the ways a person can boost their immune system in today's pressured life?

There are several ways a busy person can boost their immune system and develop a healthier life. The most effective ways to boost the immune system are not smoking, eating a diet full of fruits and vegetables and getting adequate sleep.

Why are fruits and vegetables important for the body?

Fruits and vegetables provide essential minerals and vitamins that our bodies need on a daily basis. For example, many fruits have vitamin C, which will improve your immune system. Vegetables will provide the body with fiber and countless other nutrients.vegetables are filled with minerals and vitamins. They also have lots of fibre so it softens your excrete.

How do vitamins help stop diseases?

Help build up your immune system and strengthen it

Does exercise help Cancer?

no. you cant heal cancer, you have to treat it, but a way that you can do is eat healthy every day, like fruits and vegetables so your immune system can increase and have a healthy life

Can Common cold be prevented?

Prevention focuses on strengthening the immune system by eating a healthy diet low in sugars and high in fresh fruits and vegetables, practicing meditation to reduce stress