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Firstly, women secrete their pheromones in urine and coating yourself in women's urine probably isn't a good way to get a guy. Secondly (though I may be wrong on this one) I think gay men, straight men, lesbians and straight women all release different pheromones, so a straight woman's pheromones mainly attract straight men, a lesbian's mainly attract other lesbians, a gay's mainly attract other gays and a straight guy's mainly attract straight women. Your pheromones should attract some gay guys and women's pheromones would actually lessen the effect and gain you the attentions of straight guys or lesbians, depending on the woman you got the pheromones from.

Trust your own pheromones and good luck finding someone!

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Q: Can gay men use some women's pheromones to attract men?
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How can a woman attract a gay guy If I need his attention even if I know a relationship will not develop can pheromones for women to attract men work on a gay do I have to wear the male one?

Well, if a man is gay he is by definition not attracted to women. No pheromone will change this, because you have a vagina. Therefore, you cannot attract a gay man in a sexual way at all, ever, under any circumstances. However, if you need the attention of a gay man for nonromantic reasons, e.g. to make someone else jealous, etc., why not just ask him to help out with the situation? You can't attract the gay man, stop trying. How would you feel if a lesbian kept trying to get you interested in her?

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Does he know a lot about shoes and womens clothes???

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You can't. Gay women by definition are not attracted to males.

What do gay guys want in a man?

Every gay man will give you a different answer, just as every straight man will give you a different answer about what they like about girls. It is possible that the reasons someone ends up as gay varies. For some, there could be a difference in how they perceive odors and react to pheromones. Pheromones are chemicals that are released mostly in sweat. Pheromones are subconsciously detected by other people when they travel through the air and enter the nose. Males and females produce different pheromones, though. Heterosexual males generally react to female pheromones with excitement, arousal, and increased sex drive, which does not occur for male pheromones. In gay males, the reverse happens - male pheromones cause arousal, and female pheromones do not. However, there are also conscious differences in how odors are perceived depending on gender and orientation. For instance, there is a chemical in male sweat that smells like vanilla to heterosexual women and gay men, while it smells offensive to heterosexal males and butch lesbian women. For some, perhaps the reason they can be aroused simply by a looking at a picture of an attractive man is because the physical features of males were, since birth, associated with the presence of male pheromones. Similarly, a straight male has the same association with the physical characteristics of females and their pheromones. However, that angle has likely not been scientifically explored too much.

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Does wearing womens undergarments make you gay?

Wearing women's underwear doesn't make you gay or straight. You're a crossdresser (sometimes called a transvestite).

What is the meaning of a pink feather?

Pink feathers attract love.

What is a good softball team name for a gay womens league with black and red uniforms?

ball crushers

Where might one go to attract intelligent and professional gay men?

Go to Trevor Project - A gay hot line for distressed teens.