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Atomic radius is simply the radius of the atom, an indication of the atom's volume.

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Q: Can give you some explanation about the structure of the atom esspecially about it's radius?
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What is the radius of an atom in picometers?

Scandium empirical atom radius: 160 pm Scandium calculated atom radius: 184 pm

When the atom becomes an anion what happens to its radius?

The radius of an anion is bigger than the radius of a neutral atom.

Why is the radius of an atom of iodine greater than the radius of bromine atom?

An iodine atom has one more principal energy level than a bromine atom. Therefore the radius of an iodine atom is greater than the latter.

When an atom becomes a cation what happens to it's radius?

The atomic radius of a cation is smaller than that of its original atom. See the related link for an image example of what this may look like.

Compared to the atomic radius of a sodium atom the atomic radius of a magnesium atom os smaller the smaller radius is primly a result of the magnesium atom having?

a larger nuclear charge

What is a model of the atom?

A model of the atom is a 3-D structure of the atom's structure.

What is an analogism?

An analogy is a comparison of two things, usually for explanation or clarification. An example would be comparing the structure of an atom as a solar system, with the nucleus as the sun and electrons as the planets. This helps you imagine the atom and picture its structure better.

The atomic radius to the distance from the nucleus of an atom to?

The atomic radius is the distance from the nucleus of an atom to the outermost orbital of electron.

When determining the size of an atom by measuring the bond radius the radius of an atom is?

One half the distance between nuclei.

Who has the largest radius calcium atom or calcium ion?

The radius of a cadmium atom is smaller than the radium of a mercury atom. The trend for atomic radius is that the radius becomes larger toward the left side of the row and toward the bottom of the group.

When does the atomic radius of an atom increase?

the radius of an atom gets larger when moving left to right across the Periodic Table because elements gain protons and electrons- the increase in charge brings the atom radius in

When does the radius of an atom decreases or increases?

the radius of an atom gets larger when moving left to right across the periodic table because elements gain protons and electrons- the increase in charge brings the atom radius in