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male betas fight other fish, period. only the females are safe!

AnswerI find bettas to be a good community fish IF there are no fin-nippers, other longfinned fish, or other anabantids in the aquarium. Bettas will fight with long-finned fish and anabantids of any breed, and fin-nippers will attack the Betta. Also, don't put the Betta in the tank with a fish that can eat it. I had to house a Betta in a tank full of Jack Dempseys. No damage to Betta or Jack Dempseys resulted, and Dempseys are aggressive predators.

As to the original question...the only reason I am going to say no is it's a five-gallon aquarium, which is REAL small. Glo-fish are just genetically modified zebra danios, which get along well with bettas.


Some answers are really misleading. Sure, certain betta can be psycho killers that will kill everything in the same aquarium.

However, when you put a betta and a bunch of Glo-fish in the same tank, the problem will not come from the Betta.

Glo-fish are genetically engineered Zebra Danio. They can be aggressive Fin-nippers ! Betta's long fin will make perfect target!

On the top of that, Zebra Danios are 5x faster than a Betta at top speed. Slow moving Beta will never be able to catch a Zebra Danio.

To decrease Glo-fish aggression, a school of 6 or more is recommended. Even that will not decrease the aggression to 0.

A 5 gallon aquarium is also too small for Zebra Danios. Since they need room to move around a lot at high speed. Small sized aquarium will increase their aggression as well. They are good school fish and add lots of movement to your aquarium. They are nice to have, you just need a big enough aquarium and be careful about them being around other fish with long-fin.

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Yes as long as its a female betta they will be fine

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Q: Can glofish and male bettas live together?
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What happens if you put a male Betta fish with a female Betta Would they kill or fight with each other?

You can NOT keep female and male bettas together! Male bettas can get very aggressive and will fight to the death. Make sure to separate your bettas.

Will male and female sibling live together happily?

No. Male Bettas will not tolerate another Betta in its vicinity.

Can male bettas and female bettas live together?

Male and female betta fish should not be kept in a tank together unless the tank is large enough for a female to escape attack, there is a partition or they are breeding. Males will kill the females. They are very aggressive and are not schooling fish.

Are female and male bettas bad to have together?

Generally they will not get along.

Can you put two female bettas and one male betta together?

No you cannot, only if you are breeding them and the female has eggs. Otherwise the male will eventually kill the female. 2 females can live together.

Will a male and female betta attack together?

Only male Bettas fight and they will only fight with other male Bettas. A male Betta will kill the female if she will not spawn with him. He will also kill her after she has spawned if she is not removed.

Do bettas fight for weman?

yes bettas do fight for the woman that is y u only puts one male and one female in a tank together. but no more than one male.

Can crownttail betas live with regular betas?

2 male Bettas can not be kept together. Crowntails are the same species (Betta splendens) the only difference is in the tail shape.

Can you put two bettas in one bowl?

Not male bettas, not ever. Females can live together, but you'd have to make sure to give them both enough space. A "bowl" usually won't give them enough space. Even still, they can and will sometimes get into fights.

Is is possible to get a glofish pregnant with a dead male?

no i am sure the male has to be alive

How long before you can put betta fish together?

Male Bettas can not be kept with any other members of the Betta family. They can be kept with other species quite safely but will not tollerate another Betta (male or female) in their vicinity. Female Bettas can be kept together OK.

Where does bettas live?

Contrary to common belief, bettas DO NOT live in tiny puddles or footprints. Bettas live in rice patties in the far east. These rice patties are the size of the drainage ditches along most major highways, and are stacked next to each other for hundreds of acres. Male bettas often claim entire patties as their territory