

Can goldfish survive if they are frozen?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Can goldfish survive if they are frozen?
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Goldfish will not survive being frozen. They are temperate water fish. Their healthy temperature range is from around 35F to 70F. At the lower temperatures the fish tend to go into a stupor and become more active again at around 50F

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Can goldfish be frozen and still alive when thawed?

Once the goldfish is compleatly frozen even if in the middle of frozen water it will die because the brain heart and gills will freeze with it and they wouldn't start back up because one those are done working the fish will not live. And why would you freeze your goldfish?

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Yes, goldfish can survive without food for two days.

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No you mook

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Why do goldfish live in the pond?

Goldfish are freshwater fish and can not survive in saltwater environments (oceans, etc) They can only survive in freshwater (non saltwater such as ponds, rivers, and lakes).

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Goldfish need water to swim and breath in, not mud. There are some species of fish that have evolved to survive in mud but Goldfish are not one of those species.

Do goldfish have dormant phases?

During the coldest part of the year when temperatures get down to just above freezing they will go into dormancy. They are classed as "Coldwater Fish" but their prefered temperature is around 60F. They will not survive being frozen.

Can you feed a goldfish frozen peas?

I feed my catfish macaroni, frozen peas should be fine for a catfish. If the fish cant swallow something, generally it cant fit it in its mouth. Plus, they swim in their own feces, vegetables won't harm it.

What should i feed a goldfish if i don't have fish food?

You can give them frozen worms